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Narmamatova S.G.



Aim: Development of pedagogical recommendations for optimizing effective activities, forms and methods of increasing the motor activity of primary school students.

Methods: 1. Pedagogical test; 2. Pedagogical experiment; 3. Pedometry; 4. Timing; 5. The method of mathematical statistics.

Results: During one academic year, the daily motor activity of first-graders in the experimental group increased by 2111 steps in boys and 2230 steps in girls; the intensity of movements per minute when walking increased to 12.2 movements in the first and 10.4 movements in the second; the total number of movements during the physical education lesson held in the gym increased to 742 steps and 702 movements, respectively.

Improved results in physical education control tests: in the 30 m run results were 1.2 s for boys, 1.23 s for girls; in the 3x10 m shuttle run, the results improved by 1.4 seconds in the first and by 1.3 seconds in the second; the long jump from a standing position is 21.1 cm and 19.1 cm, respectively; in the 150 m run, the results improved in boys by 9.9 seconds, in girls by 10.2 seconds; in horizontal equilibrium, the first recorded 4.22 s, the second 4.19 s.

Conclusion: During the observation period, the physical indicators of first-graders in the experimental group increased by 13.1 kgm/min, and girls by 11.4 kgm/min. The reaction of the cardiovascular system to moderate physical activity (20 squats in 30 seconds) was characterized by a decrease in heart rate and a reduction in the recovery period by 0.45 seconds. At the end of the experiment, 80% of the pupils of the experimental group had positive reactions of the cardiovascular system to standard physical activity. This indicates that the adaptation of the body to physical activity and the level of physical fitness has been improved in the children of the experimental group.

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How to Cite
Narmamatova S.G. (2023). METHODS OF GIMNASTICS EXERCISES PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN TO SPORTS CLUBS. Research Focus International Scientific Journal, 2(10), 90–96. Retrieved from


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